
Your Gift will give an opportunity for a young person to reach their fullest potential.  HA Prep Academy is a college preparatory, basketball, and vocational training boarding school that challenges youth to discover their unique potential. Set in the heart of Durham, North Carolina, we provide young men and women, grades 9th -12th, with a nurturing environment that combines structure with self-reliance and discipline with discovery. Since 2017, HA Prep Academy’s mission is marked by the outstanding success of its academic, athletic, and vocational training programs.

Our thoughts are routed in four beliefs:

  1. Every young person has the potential to be great.
  2. Regardless of a young person’s current circumstances, they have the ability to change it, if afforded the right opportunity.
  3. Every young person wants to be successful.
  4. Once a young person gets the “genuine” supports they need, they’ll become relentless in the pursuit of their goals.

Four simple beliefs.  One dramatic result.  A truly life-changing event for a young person!

 Make a Difference…Change a Life!

Thanks to the generous gifts of many parents, alumni, friends, and the forward-thinking of our founder, we sustain this life-changing experience and keep tuition for families affordable. Your gifts to HA Prep Academy directly benefit students and faculty through scholarships, vocational training, academic, and athletic support.  Additionally, these gifts support instructional technology and the quality of residential life.

Every gift to HA Prep Academy makes a difference, so please give as generously as you can.